Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Character Profiles: Anjelica Deveraux

Actor History
  • Jane Elliot (1987 - 1989)
  • Shelley Taylor Morgan (1989)
  • Judith Chapman (1989 to 1990)
Other Names
  • Anjelica Curtis (additional married name)
Resides At
  • Unknown Location Outside Salem
Marital Status
  • Single
Past Marriages 
  • Harper Deveraux (divorced in the late 1980's)
  • Neil Curtis (married December 1988; divorced in 1989)
  • None
  • Alexander Kiriakis (with Justin)
Flings & Affairs
  • Justin Kiriakis
Crimes Committed 
  • Kidnapped Alexander Kiriakis
  • Caused the death of Hank Tobin
Brief Character History

Angelica was the second wife to Harper Deveraux, but there was little love between them. Angelica became infatuated with Justin Kiriakis, and had a brief affair with him while he was separated from his wife Adrienne. Angelica assumed the child was Harper's, but when she learned he was sterile she realized the baby was Justin's. After her husband Harper was arrested for being the Riverfront Knifer, Angelica revealed Harper was not the father of her child, she also told Justin he was not as well.
Victor Kiriakis suspected the child was Justin's and he proposed to Angelica in hope of passing the baby of as his own. Victor went through elaborate measures to try to marry Angelica but never did. Instead she wed Neil Curtis. Victor tried to ruin their marriage by luring Neil back into his old habit of gambling. Neil eventually went into debt and had to sell Blondies. Angelica quickly left him when he was near broke.
Angelica decided to go after Justin in hope's he would marry him and take care of his son. In an attempt to break Justin up Angelica allowed Adrienne to learn that Alexander was Justin's son. However that didn't break them up. Angelica then agreed to marry Justin's uncle Victor because she knew Justin wouldn't allow his uncle to raise his son. Justin stopped the wedding and put Angelica up in a penthouse of her own. In a last ditch effort to hold onto Justin Adrienne pretended to be pregnant. When Angelica learned that Adrienne wasn't pregnant she exposed her to Justin, and Adrienne and Justin eventually agreed to divorce.
Angelica tried to eliminate Adrienne once and for all by having a site that Adrienne's's construction company was working on bombed. As a result, Adrienne was caught in the blast. Justin rescued Adrienne and took the blame for the bomb, but Angelica knew it was only a matter of time before the truth was revealed. Angelica, with Alexander, fled Salem and vowed to return. She also let Salem believed she and Alexander had died in a plane crash. Eventually Angelica returned Alexander to Justin and hasn't been seen since.

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